Here's a little window into my quilting life. I confess, I am not neat. Fabric, thread, pins and scissors are pretty much everywhere. My dinning table is my sewing table and my kids are lucky if they don't get thread in their food.

If there is a flat space, my "stuff" is there. My ironing board needs help! Luckily the ironing board (a gift from my husband) is pretty big so I still have room to iron my quilt pieces.

I love my quilts and usually have them folded at least, but my kids like to play----jump on them so they end up like this. Notice my photos are not color? That's because it doesn't look as messy. Right?

I confess the laundry is done, but not folded. It probably won't be folded. Why fold? There is too much quilting to do. Take care!