And the winner is.....but first some quilting pictures.

So, drum roll please! The winner of the gift certificate is Mary from Quilt Hollow. I couldn't help but laugh at her comments and the fact that she came to make me laugh a second and third time. The winner of my special gift for the most referrals is Holee from Bea's Hive.
Holee- please email me your address and Mary just email me!
I want to thank all of you who commented and made me laugh and cry. I wish I could make all of you winners, but then I would be broke. Don't worry though, I will keep up the giveaways, so stay tuned. Oh, and amongst all the craziness of never ending customer quilts, being a wife and mom and trying to keep up this blog, I have managed to piece three quilts in the last couple weeks and write 5 new patterns. I will be posting about my new patterns next week. I can't wait to show you all. Have a simply marvelous weekend!