At the breaking point.............

During each quilt that I have on the racks I go through the "breaking point" where I just have to do something else. I can only quilt the same stitch over and over again before I go a little crazy - I know I have said this before, but with each quilt I think I will get over that part of the process. Not so.
One of my dear friends mentioned to me the other day that she had forgotten that I know how to piece because it's been a while since I have really done something for myself - this post prompted her comment. I just had to laugh because I do know how to piece and I absolutely love it. So, I have been piece strippin' tonight and it's fun - real fun! Not to mention a nice little break......I have to get this all in tonight because next week is the week to finish the quilt on the racks - I am excited for it to be finished and excited to move on to something new!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!