Big things happening for 2014 (Teaching in Canada, Australia, Phoenix...)

2013 was a great year and one that will go down in my own record books.  It was busy and crazy, but it was a wonderful year.  Besides a few bad habits that I picked up last year - chocolate, ice cream and the lack of exercise - it was a perfect year.  I don't have specific goals for this year other than to get on an exercise routine and not eat ice cream every night and limit my chocolate intake.  It's going to be tough, but I have found that I am not completely happy with the way I feel about myself.  I know we women are hardly ever happy with ourselves, but I owe it to myself, my husband and my kids to be the best I can be.  

So, I have already started - 20 minutes of running a day, it's been a little brutal, but I am feeling better.   It has only been 3 days and my body feels like it has been hit by a truck, but since my last quilt I realized that I have to be physically fit to keep this up.  My back has been hurting for some time and I know it is because of being hunched over my machine for hours at a time.  I want to keep quilting (of course) - so I have to throw in exercise to make it easier on me. Along with running I will be adding push ups and squats to help with muscle tone and that should help my back. 

The picture above is my studio in the works.  Clint and I are planting permanent roots here in St. George and we are building our "forever" house right now.  It should be finished later this week, fingers crossed. It will be the house the kids will grow up in and will come back to visit us in when they are moved out and have families of their own - that thought just makes me all sentimental and teary eyed.  The best part of the house is the fact that I will have my own space, with space - if you know what I mean.  I will be able to lay out quilts on the floor easily and the cubby space will get me organized. I will have locking doors - miracle in itself and I will have enough room to have my sewing machine, cutting table and my computer desk too.   I will be sure to share pictures with you once I am all moved in. 

The year 2014 brings in a new adventure for me - teaching.  I admit I am scared out of my mind, but I am excited too.  Sometimes I wake up in cold sweats remembering that I am traveling to teach.  If you know me, I have always struggled with getting on a plane - it's just part of the anxiety that I have.  So, the fact that I am going to Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Canada and Australia (yep, that's an announcement) to teach and flying in an airplane to get there will either help me get used to it all or just make me break out with stress zits. 

In all reality, I am just so grateful for these opportunities.  Never in a thousand years would I have guessed that I would be asked to teach around the world.  It is truly humbling and mind boggling, but I am so happy to be able to do it.  So, this year as part of bettering myself, I am going to learn to be grateful for each moment and each opportunity I am given.  I am going to be the best wife I can be, the best mom I can be and the best teacher and longarm quilter I can be.  I do not want to have regrets so I will embrace each day I am blessed to be on this earth and thank God for each moment in my life, good and bad. 

Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive to me.  I am so grateful for all of you.  2014 will be one for the record books as well and I can not wait to share my adventures with you.  

Happy New Year!

January 01, 2014 by Judi
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