Christmas comes early....

Today when I was making a smoothie for the family my blender was bleeding out the back and bottom and most of the shake ended up on the counter, I wish I got a picture of it. Totally pathetic, I was cursing the thing of course! Walmart $25 special about 2 years ago and it has had it. I have been wanting a new blender for a while now, and Clint has known it, but I made it perfectly clear that I didn't want a kitchen appliance for Christmas because that's totally lame! At least I am not a fan of getting kitchen appliances for Christmas because they usually remind me of the fact that I don't cook and everyone wants me to (well, Clint does). Anyway, my darling Clint surprised me with this "holy cow" incredible blender today. We tried out ice cream shakes tonight and the magical thing about this blender is that I just put in all the ingredients and pushed a button, 30 seconds later we had the perfect ice cream shake. I didn't even have to beat it and use a spoon to shove everything down to the blades! Ah ha! I am so happy, so Clint gave me this blender for Christmas, except not for Christmas because I gave him that clue! Finding out what he spent on this thing makes me not expect anything else for Christmas.