Content vs Covet - oh and a giveaway!
***update*** giveaway closed.

So, I went to the store. Bound and determined to have a "trendy" new bed spread - colors and all, but you know what I found out? I went with the colors I love. I am drawn to earthy colors and I always have been. The white fluffy bedspread I wanted became cream, flat and quilted - the turquoise pillows became green. Instead of changing out my rusty orange drapes, I got pillows to compliment them. It was a change that I needed for the moment, but I realized I wanted the colors I love, not what Pinterest shows me are "in."

That is when I realized that the last couple months of comparing myself to others has made me so unhappy. We are all so different and thank heavens for that. We don't have to love the same things and have the same colors in our houses. It is funny how Social Networking is so awesome, yet - it can make you jealous of everyone else. So, I have decided that I will stop it! I will cut back on the time I spend on Social Networks (it was bad, darn smart phone) and I will realize that what I have is all I need. I will stay true to myself and what I love and not worry about others who seem to be accomplishing so much more than me.
So, that means I am back on my schedule. I got off it and boy, that always gets me in a bind. It has changed a bit, but I am completely mom in the morning. I even started exercising today. I think I need that. Since I will have three kids in school, and one that naps - I will only work 3 hours in the afternoon during nap time and one hour after bedtime. 4 hours - that is it. Oh, and that means more time in the evening with Clint, so happy about that.
So, if you find yourself being unhappy with what you have - take a step back, or a break from comparing and realize that each one of us has different talents, abilities and we are all amazing in our own way. I really believe that, I just sometimes lose sight of it. So, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It really helps to talk about it. Anyway - to thank you for reading, especially this long post - I would like to give away a beautiful fat quarter bundle to one of you.

Sunnyside by Kate Spain for Moda. It is beautiful. It is one of the new lines we have in the shop and I can not think of anything more fun than cutting into this line and making beautiful quilt tops. I want one of you to be able to do just that.

Oh, and the new camera - totally awesome. Still learning, but can you see how amazing having a "close up" setting is? I love playing with my camera and hope to be really good someday. All in good time.
So, two chances to win. Tell me your favorite new line in our shop, then tell me how you stay content and happy in your own home.
Thanks everyone! Good luck.
Okay, so this is my bed before. I wanted to share this with you because I love it. My mom made this quilt and the pillows for me and I have loved them for two years now. But, every now and again a change is in need. I'll explain. I have spent the last couple months stressing over a few things, mostly quilting and designing and all the hopes and dreams that come with this job. Also, add teaching into the mix for next year and I find that I have been a little stressed because of the planning I have to do now.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.

So, I went to the store. Bound and determined to have a "trendy" new bed spread - colors and all, but you know what I found out? I went with the colors I love. I am drawn to earthy colors and I always have been. The white fluffy bedspread I wanted became cream, flat and quilted - the turquoise pillows became green. Instead of changing out my rusty orange drapes, I got pillows to compliment them. It was a change that I needed for the moment, but I realized I wanted the colors I love, not what Pinterest shows me are "in."

That is when I realized that the last couple months of comparing myself to others has made me so unhappy. We are all so different and thank heavens for that. We don't have to love the same things and have the same colors in our houses. It is funny how Social Networking is so awesome, yet - it can make you jealous of everyone else. So, I have decided that I will stop it! I will cut back on the time I spend on Social Networks (it was bad, darn smart phone) and I will realize that what I have is all I need. I will stay true to myself and what I love and not worry about others who seem to be accomplishing so much more than me.
So, that means I am back on my schedule. I got off it and boy, that always gets me in a bind. It has changed a bit, but I am completely mom in the morning. I even started exercising today. I think I need that. Since I will have three kids in school, and one that naps - I will only work 3 hours in the afternoon during nap time and one hour after bedtime. 4 hours - that is it. Oh, and that means more time in the evening with Clint, so happy about that.
So, if you find yourself being unhappy with what you have - take a step back, or a break from comparing and realize that each one of us has different talents, abilities and we are all amazing in our own way. I really believe that, I just sometimes lose sight of it. So, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It really helps to talk about it. Anyway - to thank you for reading, especially this long post - I would like to give away a beautiful fat quarter bundle to one of you.

Sunnyside by Kate Spain for Moda. It is beautiful. It is one of the new lines we have in the shop and I can not think of anything more fun than cutting into this line and making beautiful quilt tops. I want one of you to be able to do just that.

Oh, and the new camera - totally awesome. Still learning, but can you see how amazing having a "close up" setting is? I love playing with my camera and hope to be really good someday. All in good time.
So, two chances to win. Tell me your favorite new line in our shop, then tell me how you stay content and happy in your own home.
Thanks everyone! Good luck.