Drawing with Thread.........
Okay - a little background to this quilt. I am usually working on customer quilts, but occasionally I need to create something for me or someone else. It keeps me sane! Abby, my sister is going to be having her first baby in December - I can't wait - so I wanted to make her a baby quilt. She loves black - always has, always will and she is more of a modern girl too. So, I racked my brain trying to figure out what to make for her and her baby boy. It hit me a few weeks ago what I would make and my pattern "Checkered Flowers" without the flowers of course would work perfectly! Off to the store I went and got me some black and gray fabric. It was so fun putting this quilt together!

I was going to try and keep it simple - because it's for a baby - but then I realized that I just couldn't! I wanted to give Abby something incredible - because I think she is incredible - and so the quilting details took over the quilt. Good thing I had sense enough to put in two layers of batting because I quilted it to death!

I send pictures to my mom for her opinion on pretty much every quilt I do - so when she saw my blocks she said - "It doesn't look like a baby quilt to me." Well - this block is for my mom - now she can't say it isn't a baby quilt! Ha Ha! (do you see the "baby" in the middle?)

I give you "Pierpont's Pendant" template! This is my design and I just couldn't come up with a name for my design, so once again I called and asked my mom for help. I'll give you a little background - Abby won't tell us the name of her little boy, so my mom affectionately gave her baby boy the name "Pierpont" -just to be funny! So, we have been calling the baby Pierpont ever since. For some reason my sister Jessie couldn't remember "Pierpont" and kept calling the baby "Pendant" -- so, there you go! A name for my design and a story that just keeps us laughing!

When I started quilting this, I realized it was going to take a longer time than usual - typical problem for me, so I decided to create two different blocks. I wanted the second block to be easier - well, this is what I came up with! Not easier, but just as fun!!

Everything in this quilt is free motion quilting. I only marked the templates, but the rest of the quilt is just my "drawing with thread" - we have a title!

I used Silver Metallic thread for the top and gray So Fine thread for the bottom. It worked out beautifully! I am still pinching myself because I love how it turned out. I just hope Abby is as thrilled as I am!

I give you the back - solid backs are the best - I won't ever do a personal quilt again without using solid fabric because the quilting is so important to see!

I used red binding because Abby loves black and red, so just a touch of red to make it completely her quilt.

Well - it's done! I am so happy to be giving this quilt to my beautiful sister and her soon to be born baby boy! I love ya girl!
Okay - do you want to make the quilt pattern? Well, you can get that here.
And the template? You can get the PDF file for my new quilting template here.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!