Holy Crap!!! I've gained 10 lbs!

(this is how I sit now, the arms hide the muffin top)
I am typically not the step on the scale everyday kind of gal - but halfway through my 30th year - I better start thinking about it! My mom always warned me about 30.
Well - I won't bore you with the long sob story of 10 pounds - it happened in four weeks - WOW, that's hard to admit! But, I think I know what the problem is:
Schwan's Ice Cream and Family Visits!
Mix those two things up and I have a whole lot of fun and late night dates with the best ice cream in the world! - Now I just need a dose of motivation to get moving again! It would probably help to not eat so much too!!

Okay - just a proud parent moment! This girl can read, and read well! I was still being tutored in reading during 2nd grade and she's in first grade and reading well beyond her school level! I love ya girl!

Camille's book! I have meant to buy this book since it has come out, but it took me this long to actually order it! I love it! I can not wait to take it (and some Bliss and Ruby) to a little sewing retreat in a couple weeks. I've been holding onto that fabric for a while now, and I am finally going to get to make something for my daughter with it.

I don't always find out what happens with the quilts I quilt, but my recent Dragonfly Quilt was in a quilt show in Washington and We Won!! So exciting! Thanks Laura for letting me quilt for you!
I feel like I am always saying this, but I am quilting (just a little slower than normal) and I am catching up on customer quilts - I am so sorry for those that are waiting, but I want them to know that they are on my list and I will get to them asap!
I am getting my next quilt on the racks and I have spent over 3 hours of research today on what types of blocks I am going to quilt into this quilt - it has a civil war theme to it and I can not wait to get started! Seriously - it's going to be awesome!
Have a wonderful weekend!!