I am pretty proud of this one.............
This is an original quilt design by Pam White of The Casual Quilter. It is a beautiful quilt and I was lucky enough to be the one to quilt it.
A lot of work went into this quilt, I even showed you how to make feather circles in this video tutorial.
Clint's closeup! He takes great pictures!
Check out the center focus of this quilt. Perfect design for a quilt. Way to go Pam!
Closeup, it was fun to play with the center. I stood in front of the quilt machine just trying to figure out what to do in the center, then I just started quilting and this is what I ended up with. I love it!
Here's the back. Love it!
I really enjoyed this quilt, but it was fun to finally pull it off the frames. It took me around 20-24 hours to quilt this and it's nice to have it done.