In all walks of life I meet amazing people!

Another amazing person, and someone who has gone over and beyond the call of duty is Kelly of I Have a Notion. She put together a yard sale and gave all the proceeds to our charity, she raised over $500.00 dollars. I can't thank her enough and can't wait to help the children in the orphanage.
We have received several quilts from a lot of you, thank you so much. I hope you all know how much this means to Clint and me, we couldn't have met our goals for the orphanage without your help. So thank you so much.
I am still working on the magazine quilt, I wish I could show you, but it will have to wait. One more thing, if you have been our friend on Facebook, we re-did our page with more pictures and we will be doing live giveaways and stuff like that, so go and be our friend by clicking on the link at the left, and if you have been our friend already, you will need to request to be our friend again (sorry about that).