Introducing Baby Noah!!
If you have talked to me lately you would know how stressed I have been with trying to catch up on quilting and this baby was not to come until I was ready! Well - he had a different idea and just couldn't wait. He was due on the 29th and I had him the 10th. I am so glad he didn't wait because I love this little man. He's a wonderful addition to our crazy house and we are so grateful to God for blessing us with him.

Me at the hospital with Noah - you won't see my face because I looked awful after a natural birth. Why natural? I kept asking myself that and telling Clint how stupid I was, but for some reason I wanted to know what it was like. It's painful - and epidurals are awesome. So - I won't be telling anyone they have to go natural - only if they want too. But - since I went natural I won out on the name - Noah Clint - and I get a $750 dollar shopping spree - that's half the difference in cost of an epidural which I went without. Just so you know - Clint didn't expect me to go natural to save money (we are self pay patients) but he did promise me that I could get a shopping spree if I did it. I would say that I was going to buy fabric, but I am in desperate need of new clothes - I will wait until the baby weight is off.

Here he is in his cradle - we didn't have that ready because I was sure I wasn't having him yet and had plenty of time to get ready. I was in denial about having contractions since Sunday.

Here he is with me on my bed. I have parked myself here and haven't left much. Clint was great about taking charge today and last night. He's a great Daddy.

His feet are so cute. He is so lovable. So far he's a great eater and he only cries when he's hungry.

Here he is with my oldest Lili - she has been really cute with him. The perfect older sister.

Jonah used to be my little guy. He's so huge now in comparison to Noah.
Thanks to everyone who wrote on my last post by Clint with congratulations. I am really thankful for your sweet compliments and great advice. I am going to just take a week or two to myself and this little guy. I hope you will understand.

Me at the hospital with Noah - you won't see my face because I looked awful after a natural birth. Why natural? I kept asking myself that and telling Clint how stupid I was, but for some reason I wanted to know what it was like. It's painful - and epidurals are awesome. So - I won't be telling anyone they have to go natural - only if they want too. But - since I went natural I won out on the name - Noah Clint - and I get a $750 dollar shopping spree - that's half the difference in cost of an epidural which I went without. Just so you know - Clint didn't expect me to go natural to save money (we are self pay patients) but he did promise me that I could get a shopping spree if I did it. I would say that I was going to buy fabric, but I am in desperate need of new clothes - I will wait until the baby weight is off.

Here he is in his cradle - we didn't have that ready because I was sure I wasn't having him yet and had plenty of time to get ready. I was in denial about having contractions since Sunday.

Here he is with me on my bed. I have parked myself here and haven't left much. Clint was great about taking charge today and last night. He's a great Daddy.

His feet are so cute. He is so lovable. So far he's a great eater and he only cries when he's hungry.

Here he is with my oldest Lili - she has been really cute with him. The perfect older sister.

Jonah used to be my little guy. He's so huge now in comparison to Noah.
Thanks to everyone who wrote on my last post by Clint with congratulations. I am really thankful for your sweet compliments and great advice. I am going to just take a week or two to myself and this little guy. I hope you will understand.