Market Recap - Part 2
Okay, so Friday was my day to go to Market. After our flight from Vegas, Clint and I drove from Seaside, Oregon to Portland. It took about an hour and a half to get there and the whole time I was so nervous. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I get so worked up about thinking that I shouldn't go, or that I don't belong at Market. I guess I just feel more comfortable at home, blogging is so safe to me because I don't have to put myself out there. I feel like a wallflower at a school dance. Anyway - nerves aside we made it to the convention center, got our name tags and a Market catalog. I sat on the floor as Clint made a business call and I opened the catalog to see the following page.
My heart skipped a beat and I got so excited. My book is being advertised in the Market catalog. Wow - it was just the motivation I needed to get inside and feel like maybe, just maybe I should be there.
First person I got to see was Jenny - love her! We definitely did not have enough time to chat. She was so great to teach me how to pose - it was so funny. Her baby is adorable and she looks so great for just having a baby. She is my idol!
Then I ran into Melissa, we have emailed a lot - but this is the first time we have met. Crazy because we only live 45 minutes away from each other. She is so nice and we had a fun chat.
Angela's booth was awesome, (loved her quilt) she is a doll of course and she really is the nicest person you will ever talk to. First time I met her she said "us longarmers need to stick together." I will never forget that and I am so impressed with the success she has had as an amazing longarm quilter.
Next stop AQS - the best stop. I was happy to meet Elaine, the new Executive Book Editor, for the first time. Oh my goodness, she is amazing! We had the best conversation. I feel so lucky to be working with AQS and the amazing people there. I am sad that I didn't get a picture with her, I guess I could blame that on Clint because he could have moved the camera over just a bit. ;-) But, as you can see in the background that my book had it's turn on the TV monitor. It's getting so close, the reality that my book is actually coming out is so fun for me.
Oh Vanessa! She is adorable! We met at Spring Market in Salt Lake a couple years ago, but I wasn't able to get a picture with her then. I made sure to this time. Her fabric and patterns are so adorable. She is so talented and so humble too - I appreciate that about her so much!
I ran into Sherri and Amy - it is always fun to see these girls. Sherri has a book out, A Quilting Life,
I have it and I will post about it soon. I was lucky enough to have quilted one of her projects in the book. More on that later.
Me and Camille in her booth. I feel really lucky to be able to talk to so many talented people, and I guess that is why I want to go to Market. Truth be known, there was so much to see and I felt completely overwhelmed. Clint would ask me questions that I couldn't respond to, I think my brain was just trying to take everything in and I forgot how to function. We were there for about 4 hours and we didn't see everything. I do have some regrets about not staying just a little bit longer, but I think we all know what it is like to bring your husband to a quilt store - it's the same as bringing them to Market. He was a good sport though, and I am glad he came with me.