Mommy daughter date....

I have taken Lili to the fabric store with me before, but it has never been just us. We walked around looking at all the wonderful fabrics and decided on this pink satin with sparkles to make a play skirt for her.
I got a little teary eyed as I looked at her with a bolt of fabric in her arms - grabbed my phone to take a picture - realizing that we are starting this incredible sewing and quilting journey together. I learned to sew from my incredible Mom and I can't wait to teach Lili everything I know. We have had a talk about when she can reach her little arms over the bars and to the quilting machine is when I will start teaching her quilting.
She pretty much talked my ear off the entire night - we hit two stores and she managed to tell me everything she was going to make with the fabric we saw. I love that she appreciates this art now and I hope she loves it when she's older.
Oh - and I think I finally have figured out what fabrics to use for a design I am doing - I have only spent about $100 on fabrics that won't work. Don't you hate that?

One last thing - THANK YOU to everyone that voted for me!! I was voted as the Best Long Arm Quilter over at SewCalGal for the Golden Quilters Awards. What an honor - I appreciate just being nominated especially with the amazing quilters that are on the list with me.
Again - THANK YOU! I really appreciate it!