My Christmas Tree

So here's our Christmas tree. I love it, but I haven't decorated it yet and I don't know that I will this year. Clint put on a few ornaments, but it's not what I would like to say "finished." I am just glad that Santa has a place to leave some gifts.

I love it when Clint holds Noah - I love seeing a proud Daddy holding his baby, it makes me smile. Noah was super cute just staring and trying to smile - I know Doctors tell you they can't smile this soon and it's just "gas" but he was really smiling for Clint - so cute!

I have this picture hanging on my wall - my Dad surprised me with it this week. This is the one picture that I loved as a kid - whenever my mom pulled it out and hung it over the mantel I knew Christmas was close. It's one of those pre-printed canvases that you add thread to. My mom made this years ago and I told her that this picture is the one thing I wanted to remember her by, she surprised me by giving it to me now. I love it. Micah told me he wanted to go into that place - pointing to the picture. So cute! I want to jump right in myself.

Oh, and Santa - I would like this in my stocking. Just so you know!
December 08, 2010 by Judi
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