Small improvements - big difference!!

Here's my studio before - I have loved it, but a light bulb moment hit me and Clint last week - that meant using my space better which will make my life easier here in my office/studio. As you can see, my computer desk is by the wall on the left and the very end of the opening in my office, the sewing table and ironing table are on an angle - trying to fit nicely and then I have the quilting machine to the right. My ironing board has been turned the opposite way then I would normally use it because of the space issue.
I have been wanting to fit a cutting table in here, but I haven't really thought about how to make it fit. As Clint and I were talking the other night about ways to make this work better we came up with an ingenious plan - I so wish we would have done this months ago. It's much more organized and it utilizes the space much better.

We moved my desk to the first bay window - the ironing board is in the middle and turned the right way, my sewing table is against the wall to the right and we moved the quilting machine into Clint's part of the office about 2 feet. That gives me room to sit at my sewing machine and to the side of the table.

Here's my new cutting table - isn't she a beauty? She is 36 inches tall and it doesn't kill my back to bend over cutting out projects anymore.

That was a long story! Well - if you got through it - head on over to Rachel's for a giveaway. I am giving away a Modern Workshop FQB over on her blog.